I might be able to comment in a general way on the movement he is associated with (whether the False Union Council of Lyon, the False Union Council of Florence/Ferrar, or the unia).
We, for our part, proclaim the glorification of many who have resisted Latin overreaching, doctrine or overtures: SS. Photius the Great, Gregory Palamas and Mark of Ephesus are collectively honored as the Pillars of Orthodoxy (in addition to their own proper feasts). St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre, one of our American saints, is honored for leading a fair portion of the Uniates in North America back to Holy Orthodoxy.
After reading some of the response to Mack's question about "has anyone changed their minds" it made me wonder if any of your guys of other beliefs, not necessairly just catholic, but does any of you think it would make God happy if for instance I was to change my mind and become catholic? Would it make a difference?