You are attempting to committ revisionism of the lowest order, comparing a potential American empire with the Nazis and the Spanish is pretty silly dont you think.
There is the term called "moral relativism" that you should really investigate.
We are better than them.
ps - What happened in the wake of the British Empire? I say look to Africa for your answer - they are MUCH better off today dont you think?
And how precisely am I revising the history of an American empire, which hasnt occurred? I am not committing revisionism, I am warning you that you advocate a counterproductive, generally unworkable, and morally reprehensible course of action.
There is the term called "moral relativism" that you should really investigate.
Lets see here:
You suggest that America invade other nations, overthrow their governments and enslave their people.
But thats good.
And Im the moral relativist?
We are better than them.
If we do the same things they did, then we are the same as they were.
ps - What happened in the wake of the British Empire? I say look to Africa for your answer - they are MUCH better off today dont you think?
Id say its not much different from Europe after Rome fell. I say this because empires tend to decimate the cultures of the peoples they enslave. This goes right back to my thesis:
Got it yet?
No doubt the Romans believed themselves to be different also, as they fed Christians to the lions, and others that the 'Romans' deemed unworthy.
King Solomon said, 'There is nothing new under the Sun, no, nothing.'
We dont need to follow the playbook of the Romans,