OK. So ban alcohol.
If you are an idiot who wants to get wasted on smack, and you cost the government money in terms of emergency health services, public disorder, and hospital treatment, you are infringing others rights to enjoy their property.
Putting aside the issue of whether the government should pay for health care . . . the "public disorder" argument sort-of works. If a high person goes and breaks a window they're infringing on the rights of others. So arrest him for vandalism. Duh.
Basically, by creating a nation of addicts,
Fallacy #1: Assumption of increased addiction due to legalization. No evidence given for this.
you people impose costs on the rest of us to clean up the mess behind.
Fallacy #2: Assumption that society must bear the costs of individual stupidity. A socialistic premise.
Where do you take into consideration our rights, the people who are not stupid enough to be tempted by narcotics?
Fallacy #3: Statement reveals a false belief that you have demonstrated how drug use itself violates the rights of others. All your examples are of someone violating rights while they are high, without even demonstrating how being high contributes to that behavior let alone how it causes said behavior.