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To: Richard Axtell
"Now... do you think it is a false choice to have to pick between the current glaring inequities, burdensome costs, and the full range of violations of civil rights that are a result of the "Drug War", or the greatly accelerated decline of the society, greatly increased public health problems, wider economic dislocation and weakness due to lower productivity, and further destruction of the American family that would be the result of national decriminalization or worse, legalization of all drugs? Or would it just be easier to pretend that none of this will happen, despite generations of clear evidence resulting from re-legalized alcohol abuse, narrow the argument to only concern marijuana, and proceed with what seems to be the eventual fate of the United States... drug based decrepitude?"

Superby said!

Your post illustrates the precarious position this nation would be in if the libertarians' greatest dream (i.e., "do whatever you want," "moral relativism," "no government," etc.) is ever realized. While claiming to "speak for the Fathers," libertarians will never admit that the Fathers would never have envisioned an America where there are no laws, no borders, and no accepted standard of morality. Instead, they stealthily embrace the opinions of liberal courts to hide behind while claiming to be true "patriots." HOGWASH!!!

Like it or not, if we choose to live in a society we all bear a degree of responsibility to ensure its survival and prosperity. Libertarians reject that notion, inventing an insane notion of "personal sovereignty," again refusing to accept that "no man is an island" and the responsiibility that comes with being a member of society.

Libertarianism, are at least the sick brand that sendtoscott and others advance here on FR, is an insidious and deadly plague that will eradicate all that the Founders wished to establish.

Freedom rationed responsibly is freedom guaranteed.

125 posted on 09/28/2001 1:26:46 PM PDT by A2J
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To: A2J
Freedom rationed responsibly is freedom guaranteed.

Freedom rationed (by you? by the govt?) isn't freedom.
128 posted on 09/28/2001 1:33:49 PM PDT by sendtoscott
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To: A2J,Impeach the Boy,GenXFreedomFighter
Like it or not, if we choose to live in a society we all bear a degree of responsibility to ensure its survival and prosperity.

Libertarians reject that notion, inventing an insane notion of "personal sovereignty," again refusing to accept that "no man is an island" and the responsiibility that comes with being a member of society.

Wow what a load of lies.

This Libertarian is a productive, working member of society who volunteers his time, gives to charity, pays his share of taxes, is active in his community, is a veteran of the armed forces, is a fathful husband, a loving father, he also chair his local LP affiliate and is active in politics.

As a matter of fact I took my Webelos Den to a local business last night to help a local man, a stranger that we never met before, and has only spoken with his wife on the phone the night before last and helped them get some of his crops in because he has taken suddenly ill and had gone into emergency surgery. yep-three hours last night being an island and focusing on my fingertips...

Freedom rationed responsibly is freedom guaranteed.

NOONE but but myself should be rationing my freedom.


We must pity folks like you think that "personal sovereignty," is an "insane notion".

A2J: I wonder if can act without another's permission, and whether you lacked a father figure growing up and strive for external discipline...

134 posted on 09/28/2001 2:00:20 PM PDT by fod
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