The series was funded by Paul Allen not the government.
Is he paying PBS to air this propaganda?
The government funds PBS, the carrier.
Truly funded, Allen would pay for it to be an infomercial on a commercial carrier.
"These networks are 'our taxpayments at work' providing the propoganda of the elite! Tell your representative to decrease the funding and inherent support for these anti-religion zealots!"
"The series was funded by Paul Allen not the government."
The facilities to broadcast this tripe are paid for by public funding. Ergo, you have something worse than either the government simply running propaganda on its stations, or a private entrepreneur buying time on private stations to broadcast his point of view: you have an example of fascism:
fashizm , totalitarian philosophy of government that glorifies the state and nation and assigns to the state control over every aspect of national life. The name was first used by the party started by Benito Mussolini, who ruled Italy from 1922 until the Italian defeat in World War II. However, it has also been applied to similar ideologies in other countries, e.g., to National Socialism in Germany and to the regime of Francisco Franco in Spain. The term is derived from the Latin fasces.
Characteristics of Fascist PhilosophyFascism, especially in its early stages, is obliged to be antitheoretical and frankly opportunistic in order to appeal to many diverse groups. Nevertheless, a few key concepts are basic to it. First and most important is the glorification of the state and the total subordination of the individual to it. The state is defined as an organic whole into which individuals must be absorbed for their own and the state's benefit. This "total state is absolute in its methods and unlimited by law in its control and direction of its citizens.
A second ruling concept of fascism is embodied in the theory of social Darwinism. The doctrine of survival of the fittest and the necessity of struggle for life is applied by fascists to the life of a nation-state. Peaceful, complacent nations are seen as doomed to fall before more dynamic ones, making struggle and aggressive militarism a leading characteristic of the fascist state. Imperialism is the logical outcome of this dogma.
Another element of fascism is its elitism. Salvation from rule by the mob and the destruction of the existing social order can be effected only by an authoritarian leader who embodies the highest ideals of the nation. This concept of the leader as hero or superman, borrowed in part from the romanticism of Friedrich Nietzsche, Thomas Carlyle, and Richard Wagner, is closely linked with fascism's rejection of reason and intelligence and its emphasis on vision, creativeness, and "the will.
Regarding the last point: fear not! The ruling elites of intelligentsia and academia are here to save us "creationists" from our poor, deluded, backwards and uninformed ideas about origins. Materialism is at the heart of the state religion, and fascism is just one of its many "faces."
The culture war is on: let the battle begin!