The Catholic Church's position is that evolution is not in conflict with its teaching. We covered evolution in biology class in a Catholic school 30 years ago. Even then, it was emphasized that the Church does not consider the time periods in Genesis to be literally true, and that it is presumptious to decide for God how He might have gone about the business of creation.
That's not necessarily true. The RCC adopts the stance of "Special Creation" and, while it's true the RCC does not have a problem with the scientific study of theistic evolution, it's stance is one of "special creation." Read PJP's speech to the Pontifical Academy which, IMO, reinforces my above statements.
The PBS series advocated ATHEISTIC evolution which is in COMPLETE contrast to the teachings of the RCC. Moreover, IMO, the subtext of many of the series fly in the face of Catholic teaching especially on sex, marriage, monogamy, etc.