Some are more dangerous than others. Bubbette! was on "The Toady Show"(correct spelling) AGAIN (this makes at LEAST 2 out of 3 mornings this has happened)this morning to tell the lies about frantically searching for Bubbette! Jr after the plane crashes that gets her so much political mileage. It ALMOST makes her look human. Thanks to Kute Kommie Katie,she only gets softball questions that let her give speeches about how "concerned Bill and myself were",and about how "I can't criticise Bush because my own 8 years of experience in the White House make me understand...",blah,blah,blah.
Bubbette! is in presidential campaign mode for 2004,and Kommie Katie and NBC News (?) is giving her free advertising time and helping her write her speeches. No matter what we have to say about Pat,no way is HE going to get this opportunity. This makes him less dangerous than Bubbette! by a order of several magnitudes.