lets see im attacked called names ridiculed by the minions and I should be excused??? EXCUSE ME??? 246 Posted on 09/17/2001 18:19:48 PDT by NAMMARINE
Oh, Absolutely.
Everybody is always horribly mean to you for no reason whatsoever, even though you are always utterly reasonable, impeccably considerate, and effortlessly cordial and conciliatory, without exception.
You are abused and slighted without cause, a victim of the heartless cruelty of those who spurn your tender kindnesses without warrant.
It's just too heartbreaking to watch. I can't take it any more.
I hurt for you, NAMMARINE. I feel your pain, and it wounds me to the core.
I know, if you are invited to any thread on which OWK and Storm Orphan participate, they will set upon you like mindless rabid wolves scenting the blood of an innocent, tender doe who has sone nothing to harm or provoke them. Ohh, the injuries that they have done you, woe, woe!!
I would seek to protect you from their slights and hatefulness; if I shall discuss matters of Man, and God, and flesh and spirit with them, I shall do so without inviting you to the thread, and thereby spare your soft-hearted soul the caustic bile which they would surely wretch upon you.... without reason or cause!!
No, you don't have to thank me. The thought of your sweet spirit, blossoming like a fragile rose without the acid rain of malice which they always seek to shower upon you, oh dearest friend NAMMARINE, that is thanks enough.