We must find a way to convey to the nation that the Lord's punishment/correction is to get us to "..humble ourselves and turn back to him. Then he will turn to us and heal our nation.
Freepers, why are some of you failing to see that the Holy God of Israel requires holiness in His people?
There is nothing unAmerican about recognizing the need for us - as a nation - to Repent and turn back to God.
There are a number of incidences in scripture where The Holy One of Israel sent His people into bondage or allowed them to be defeated - So That! they would turn back to Him. This is not to hurt us but to bring us back to the place where he can Bless us.
There are ample scripture examples of God doing this type of thing to bring His people back to Him. This is not an unloving thing, it is the ultimate sign of God's affection.
I am trusting God to use this for some ears to be open to hear the "Come"