Moderate Muslims need to clearly make the case that as Americans they support the freedom of all people to choose their own religion. Do these moderates tolerate to the idea of individual Muslims deciding for themselves that Mohammed is not a prophet of God and speaking out about their beliefs?
Islamic theology requires that any Muslim who turns from Isalm and Mohammed should be killed. Period. Moderate American Muslims need to clearly denouce this aspect to their religion. Otherwise, their religion is incompatible with the United States Constitution.
It is incompatible with their survival on the planet.
Islamic theology requires that any Muslim who turns from Isalm and Mohammed should be killed. Period. Moderate American Muslims need to clearly denouce this aspect to their religion. Otherwise, their religion is incompatible with the United States Constitution. Thank you for printing the truth. Have tried over and over to get people to see this, but they do NOT want to understand. I am heartbroken. If they do NOT publicly denounce this aspect of their religion, the government must bulldoze their mosques and deport them. If not, we're going to see terrorism over and over again.