So the problems in Ireland, Central America, South america, Philipines, Central & West Africa are because of Islam?
So the problems in Ireland, Central America, South america, Philipines, Central & West Africa are because of Islam? Actually, the problems in the Phillipines and in West Africa (Nigeria, Mauritania) involve Islam, yes.
But nobody said all the trouble in the world is because of Islam. On the other hand, it's unusual to find a concentration of Moslems where there isn't trouble.
- In Nigeria there are riots between Moslims and Christians.
- There's an ongoing war in Morocco/Mauritania
- Algeria is a den of Moslem extremists, who've killed thousands in the last few years.
- Tunisia is one of the rare exceptions
- Libya: Gaddafi. Enough said.
- Egypt: ongoing violent struggles between an authoriatian governemtn and Moslem extremists.
- Yemen: USS Cole
- Saudi Arabia: trying flying there with a Bible or a bottle of whisky.
- Gulf states; have had intermittent trouble with extremists
- Jordan: cosy with Iraq during the gulf war
- Iraq: no comment necessary
- Iran: ditto
- Syria is one big terrorist training camp.
- Afghanistan; let's not speak ill of the soon-to-be dead.
- Pakistan: ongoing war in North/Kashmir
- Indonesia: brutal treatment of non-Moslem minorities. Aceh province wants to introduce the Sharia.
- Philippines: Moslem guerrillas
And so on, and so on. Bosnia. Kosovo. Azerbaijan. Chechneya. How many do you need? There are scores of states with significant Moslem populations. Can you name three where there hasn't been at least significant civil disorder in the last 10 years involving Moslems?
I'm sorry. No doubt there are sincere people in the world who profess Islam and are not crazed fanatics, but to deny a connection between Islam and religious war is to shut your eyes to the reality of the world. And I wish the people who maintain that Islam is non-violent would spend more time persuading their co-religionists to stop killing people and less time denying they have a problem.