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Palestinians in Lebanon fire with joy at anti-US attacks
Yahoo ^ | Tuesday September 11, 10:10 PM

Posted on 09/11/2001 9:08:34 AM PDT by American in Israel

AIN AL-HELWEH, Lebanon, Sept 11 (AFP) -
Dozens of Palestinian refugees fired into the air with joy Tuesday at news of apparent anti-US terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, AFP correspondents witnessed.

Guerrillas in military fatigues from various factions fired assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades into the air in the Ain al-Helweh refugee camp at the outskirts of the southern port city of Sidon, one correspondent said.

Camp residents, some still in pyjamas, interrupted afternoon rests to rush down to the streets and fire assault rifles into the air, they said.

At the Shatila refugee camp in Beirut, Palestinian fighters also went out to the streets as soon as they heard the news from their television sets to fire into the air with joy, an AFP correspondent said.

TOPICS: Announcements; Foreign Affairs
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To: one_particular_harbour
But quit exhibiting pro Israeli racism at every turn - it gets us into this garbage.

This war is not about Arab vs Israeli it is Pan Islamic Fascism vs the Western world. These terrorists use the political excuse of "occupation" to advance their whacked out pan-islamic fascist cause, and I don't believe their damnable lies for a minute. They were killing Jews in Palestine long before there was even an Israel. The fact that Israel has the upper hand is only a convenient excuse to continue their anti-Jewish and anti-western crusade.

All Muslims who have called for the death of Americans need payback. I hold them directly responsible for inciting this violence. It has nothing to do with Israel. That is just an excuse and you know it, and it works partly because many people hate Jews more than they hate Arabs. Every day they say things in the mosques and on TV and in the media about killing Jews and killing Americans, and we look the other way because it's too difficult to face the real issue -- because that would mean war. But it's too late now. The war has come home. These scum will not compromise. These scum want only 1 thing -- Islamic hegemony of the entire world. They have gone too far.

Sorry, but it's time to kick some Islamic Fundamentalist ass -- Iran, Iraq, The Taliban, Lybia, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, the PLO, PFLP, DFLP and all the rest need some serious ass kicking. These groups and their religious fundamentalist murder-inciting leaders should go directly to hell. No longer must we look the other way when they say "kill the Jews" or "kill the Americans". We should strike, and let Israel strike, at the heart of these scum. Unfortunately, the good Arabs do not stand up against these murderous scum. They do not police themselves well at all. Someone has to. Israel faces these tragedies almost every week (on a population equivalent basis today's attack is may be the same as the attacks on the pizza parlour or the disco). I don't blame them for striking back. In fact, they have been too lenient. It's time for them to step in and kill all the Hamas, IJ, PLO, and the rest of these Islamic murdering fascist scum. Peace be unto all peaceful people, death unto all those who have perveted Islam into a murderous cult.

141 posted on 09/11/2001 3:58:58 PM PDT by monkeyshine
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To: one_particular_harbour
Maybe that's because I am 50% Arab, too.
143 posted on 09/11/2001 4:16:59 PM PDT by monkeyshine
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To: one_particular_harbour
And Rn, I happen to be a very proud, very upset American citizen today, not that it is any of your business.

More upset with the distrust of your "people" that with the safety of the citizens of the country you call need to decide where your alliances lay...

144 posted on 09/11/2001 4:40:07 PM PDT by RnMomof7
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To: monkeyshine
He is a bad guy to have on our side.......glad you noticed.
145 posted on 09/11/2001 5:45:44 PM PDT by bjs1779
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To: one_particular_harbour
I am half Arab, the son of an Arab, and have children who are a quarter Arab and have many Arab friends - many of whom are better, more productive tax paying Americans than most of the trailer trash you extol. On top of that my family has been Christian for over 1500 years.

What, do you want a medal? Quit making up reasons to undermine support for Israel. Here's the reason for supporting Israel and reason why YOU, "half Arab" should be attacking the Jihad and Intifada wherever it rears its ugly head. No half-way BS:

CDHR Declaration at Durban

Radical Islamism = Racism = Genocide…

Jihad-Islamism (not Islam) abuses human rights worldwide

Declaration by The Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights Affirming the Dangers of Radical Islamism and a Call to Recognize the Historical Oppression of Religious Minorities Subjected to this Racist-like Practice.

We, the members of The Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights, representing minority religious and ethnic communities from around the world, call upon the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, now meeting in Durban, South Africa, to address and condemn the ideology of Radical Islamism — a deviation from Islam — as intolerant, xenophobic, racist, supremacist, discriminatory, anti-democratic, and genocidal.

We also call upon the Conference to alert the international community to the widespread dangers of Radical Islamism's culture of animosity and destruction, and to remember and honor the victims of this oppressive ideology of hate toward religious minorities of all beliefs, races, and nationalities.

Finally, we call upon the Conference to recognize that Radical Islamism is a totalitarian movement aimed at establishing a worldwide Radical Islamist state that would:

We believe that the World Conference must act in a manner consistent with the defense of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ensure that its summary record reflect that Radical Islamism is recognized by all democratic societies as an evil doctrine that should be confronted at Durban and in all United Nations bodies.

To that end, the Conference should recognize the following irrefutable historical facts and warn against the future threats of Radical Islamism:

(I) Radical Islamism Sanctions War through its Radicalized Version of a World Religion.

(A) Jihad, or Holy War, is a religiously sanctioned call for individual and collective violence made by Radical Islamists against "infidels" worldwide. In the past, the concept of Jihad was responsible for many of the greatest tragedies in human history. For over thirteen centuries, millions of human lives have been sacrificed by Jihad campaigns around the world . Now, inspired and organized by the Supremacist ideology of Radical Islamism, Jihad again threatens millions of individuals across the globe.

(B) Fatah, or military conquest, is the employment of Jihad for imperial expansion and colonization of non-Islamic lands. Radical Islamists believe that Fatah is as legitimate today as when the concept gave rise to a series of invasions of countries outside Islam's original birthplace in the Arabian Peninsula.

Historically, Fatah was employed repeatedly over the centuries and included the unprovoked invasions known as Ghazwas by Arab Muslims beginning in 636 AD/CE. These invasions aimed to capture and dominate the Dar al-Harb and impose the religion, and in many areas the language and culture, of the Arab Muslims on their captive subjects. Radical Islamists today wish to re-institutionalize the Ghazwas, thereby re-connecting themselves to a nostalgic, "heroic" past. If successful, they will have reconstituted the world's longest ongoing campaign of imperialist aggression.

History's Three Regional Jihads:

In the 7th Century following the establishment of a government under the Caliph or supreme Muslim religious leader in the Arabian Peninsula, Arab Muslim armies conquered Syria, Palestine, and Mesopotamia, and imposed their rule over the indigenous Christian Armenians, Arameans, Assyrians, Syriacs, Chaldeans, and Jews. Coptic Christian Egypt, Nubian Northern Sudan, Berber Cyrenaica (Libya) and Numedia (Algeria) also were then conquered followed by Spain, southern France, and Sicily. The Arab Muslim armies also invaded Persia and Central Asia reaching as far as India. In all of these lands, an Islamic state was established against the will of the native populations and imposed by Arab governors under the Caliph.

A second unprovoked Fatah was launched from the 11th to the 17th century when Turkish Muslim warriors stormed and conquered Christian Armenia, Byzantium, Greece, the Balkans, and parts of eastern and central Europe, up to the gates of Vienna. Meanwhile a third unprovoked Fatah caused the subjugation of Hindu and Buddhist India.

The Fatah was a planned and organized movement to subdue cultures, and destroy them as a prelude to replacing them with a new foreign religious culture. Today, Radical Islamists wish to revive the Fatah on a global scale.

(II) The Adepts of Radical Islamism Subscribe to an Anachronistic and Widely Discredited Version of a Universal, Monotheistic Faith, Islam, that is a Source of Inspiration to Hundreds of Millions of Muslims worldwide.

(A) Radical Islamists believe in a 1400 year-old religious concept that divides the world into two zones: Dar al-Islam: the realm of peace and Dar al-harb: the realm of war. The former is a zone that is ruled by Islamic states which are worthy of full peace, while the latter is ruled by infidels who inhabit a zone of war, susceptible to Islamic subjugation. Radical Islamists promote a religious worldwide confrontation between the two zones that grants legitimacy to imperial conquest, colonialism, slavery, ethnic cleansing, suppression of liberties, forced religious conversion, and Jihad or Holy War.

(B) Radical Islamists also believe in the 1400 year-old concept of Ridda which holds that a natural born or converted Muslim may not convert or revert to another religion. Today, in many countries ruled or influenced by the Radical Islamist version of Koranic Law, there exists a religiously sanctioned death penalty for those who may decide to change their religion.

(III) Radical Islamism Imposes an Inferior Status on All Non-Muslims and the Special Subservient Status of Dhimmi for "the People of the Book" - Jews and Christians.

In the 7th century, the Caliph Umar imposed this Dhimmi status on conquered populations under his rule. Christians, Jews, and others were forced to accept Al-Shurut al-Umariya, or Umar's conditions, a system of restrictions designed to shame and despoil non-Muslim subjects. Dhimmi peoples had to relinquish their land, were forced to pay a special "protection" tax (dhimma) or face death, wear distinctive clothing, and were banned from most government positions.

Today, Radical Islamists seek to re-impose this state-sanctioned discrimination, calling it an effort to "protect" minorities. In reality, such measures are always part of an effort to enforce assimilation, conversion, and to annihilate the identity of others. The example of Afganistan, where the Hindu minority is forced to wear distinctive clothing to mark them as infidels, is among the most well known.

In areas throughout the Islamic world, Radical Islamists use repression and violence against infidel minorities. In Egypt, Radical Islamists persecute the Copts; in Sudan, the Radical Islamist regime massacres and enslaves the Dinkas, both Christian and traditionalist; in Lebanon, Radical Islamists terrorize the Christians; in Nigeria, they butchered Biafran Ibos and oppress the Christians. In Iraq and Syria, alleged secular radical regimes that are governed by Arab nationalist ideologies and penetrated by Jihadic norms suppress native Christian cultures. In Iran, they persecute Christians and Bahais; in Kashmir, they wage a terrorist war against the Hindu minority; in the southern Philippines, they terrorize Catholics and kidnap foreigners; in East Timor, they have endorsed the regime's attempts at ethnic cleansing against Christians; in Indonesia, they routinely assault the native Christians, particularly in the Moluccas.

(IV) Radical Islamists Seek to Establish the Supremacy of their Version of Islam Over all Other Faiths: the "Global Jihad."

Guided by a deviated interpretation of Islam, the Radical Islamists believe that they will rule the world because of their conviction in the superiority of their religion. Their propaganda mirrors such beliefs as in the Middle East, where they call for the takeover of secular governments in Muslim countries, the destruction of Israel, and the elimination of Christians in Lebanon and South Sudan. In Africa, they call for the conversion to Islam of Black Africa. In Russia, they call for the violent secession of Chechnya, and Dagestan. In Pakistan, they promote Jihad to sever the multi-ethnic province of Kashmir from India. In China, they call for the creation of an Islamic state in Xinjiang. In South East Asia, they support the elimination of East Timor, the destruction of Christian and Chinese minorities in Indonesia, the establishment of a Radical Islamist state in the South Philippines. In Europe, they encourage Radical Islamist separatism in Bosnia and Kosovo, and now in Macedonia. In America and Europe, they have taken over the leadership of the growing Muslim communities to radicalize them and pave the way for Radical Islamist political action in the service of a global Jihad. In every instance, their message is carefully tuned to promote the legitimization of Jihad movements by the international community. To accelerate that goal the Radical Islamists of today are planning, and implementing a Jihad to re-establish the universal Caliphate.

(V) Radical Islamists Abuse Human Rights in their Home Countries

Racial Islamists reject political pluralism, democracy, and fundamental human freedoms in their home countries and abroad. Wherever possible, they use existing freedoms to reach power and then physically eliminate or subdue their opposition. Radical Islamists prohibit or have eliminated political freedoms in Afganistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan, and plan on eliminating those freedoms enjoyed in other countries as they come to dominate them.

Similarly, Radical Islamists do not tolerate religious freedom, or regimes that permit religious equality. In Saudi Arabia, state law forbids non-Muslims to practice their faith. In Afghanistan, Iran, Sudan, and Egypt, non-Muslims are discriminated against in varying degrees.

Much like Dhimmis, women under Radical Islamist regimes and throughout the Muslim world live as an inferior class of citizens. Such regimes promote gender discrimination against women, theologically, ideologically, socially, politically and economically. From Afghanistan to Morocco, women suffer dearly at different levels and in different contexts. Women, who have unequal legal rights, are abused through systematic social discrimination, psychological oppression. Female genital mutilation (FGM) and honor killings are among the most well-known depravations suffered by women in many countries.

Radical Islamists proclaim the equality of races under Islam, but have established a form of religious racism wherever they expanded. They have developed the concept of the "Umma" - the "religious nation" - from which non-Muslims are excluded as a whole. Hence, religion to Radical Islamists is not just a faith held by some citizens and not others; it is an absolute demarcation, dividing superior from inferior human beings. To Radical Islamists, religion is akin to race in any racist system as it sets up an exclusive, superior category of human beings with rights to dominate the others. Within this system, Arab Radical Islamists advocate an Arab Caliph, the Arabic language as the sacred language, and regard other Muslims, especially those of African origin, as inferior. The Radical Islamists' distaste for Africans is rooted in the Arab Muslim participation in the enslavement of Africans, a practice that dates back to the 7th Century AD/CE. Arab-Islamist raids into Africa since the conquest of Egypt have ravaged Africa, uprooted tens of millions of men, women and children, destroying countless families. It contributed to the European slave trade from Africa to the Americas from the 17th century. The Arab enslavement of Africans over the centuries remains active today in Sudan.

(VI) Radical Islamists Deny Their Crimes Against Humanity

While other cultures, movements and religions have acknowledged and sometimes apologized for past racist practices, the Radical Islamists refuse to admit the historical crimes they, and their predecessors, have perpetrated since the 7th century and refuse to acknowledge that those crimes are still being perpetrated today.

In the areas under their control they write revisionist histories of their actions, denying the identity and history of the nations they have subjugated and burying the evidence of the Jihad that they waged against native peoples. In the West, they fund educational programs aimed at erasing their crimes from history. Radical Islamists are penetrating the public educational systems to impose their view of their victims world with the unwitting assistance of their victims. In this way, they obliterate the violent and racist nature of their predecessors' actions and prepare for their return to absolute power, decreed by their beliefs.


For these reasons, the Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights calls upon the World Conference Against Racism to:

1) Request the Organization of the Islamic Conference - acting on behalf of its 57 members - to apologize for past Jihad crimes against humanity, including the brutal invasion and occupation of lands and peoples in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and Asia, and the mass enslavement of Africans and others, including Europeans;

2) Condemns all current Jihads, and calls on these Governments to cease violating the rights of ethnic and religious minorities and peoples;

3) Calls on the United Nations to Equate Radical Islamism, Jihad-ism, and Dhimmitude with Racism, Colonialism, and Imperialism;

4) Calls on the United Nations to intervene to protect the rights and lives of religious and ethnic minorities and non-Islamist Muslims in Afganistan, Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia Sudan, and Syria;

5) Calls on Islamic scholars and intellectuals to reject the concepts of Fatah, Jihad, and Dhimmitude;

6) Calls on Islamic Governments to stop imposing the Shari'a on non-Muslims and guarantee the rights of all enlightened Muslim humanists and intellectuals.

Submitted by: The Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights, an umbrella coalition representing various organizations from the following communities: Hindus, Buddhists, Bahais, Humanist Muslims, Copts, Assyrians, Syriacs, Southern Sudanese, Maronites, Southern Philippinos, West Africans, Ibos, Slavic Christians, Armenians, Arab Christians, Nubians, secular intellectuals, and women's groups.

The Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights
14000 Gunner's Place, Centerville, VA 20121
703-234-3954 x 7542

CDHR is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

146 posted on 09/11/2001 6:27:54 PM PDT by Lent
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To: The Documentary Lady
"Bombing doesn't work, ask Israel. Slaughtering civilians doesn't work, ask Israel (or Russia for that matter). Sending out assassination squads does't work either. Ask Israel."

We're not talking individual killing here ... we're calling for wholesale slaughter! We're talking major league, superpower, blowing things up until there aren't two bricks standing on top of each other, killing them all .. or as many as we can catch .. so that their line is as close to being wiped out as we can do so.

We're talking about utter destruction and sowing the ground with salt!

Even the American Indians, who also swore that they would never give in, were forced to accept defeat. If we keep coming and coming, killing all who oppose us, destroying their cities, towns, and individual buildings, giving them no rest until they surrender ... that will work. Until it does work, just keep on killing. There can't be any revenge attacks if there isn't anyone left for vengeance.

Kill them all ... nits make lice.

147 posted on 09/12/2001 5:55:32 AM PDT by BlueLancer
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To: To All Transplanted Arabs Living in the USA
Today, I am filled with a deep hate. A deeper and blacker hatred than I have ever felt, and have ever known. And I am in no way alone in how I feel. To all first generation arabs living in our country, know this: As of 8:45am on 9/11/01, you all have become the enemy. I do not say this in rage. I do not say this in a fevered frenzy. I say this because it is truth. You are taught to hate and to kill all that do not follow your beliefs. That is intolerance. Our country was BUILT on tolerance. Our country works each and every day toward bridging gaps in tolerance and acceptance. And though we fail many times and in many ways, we still keep trying. Arabs work each and every day towards, again, killing those that do not follow their beliefs. The people in this thread that want to throw "Isreal" out as an excuse, are showing their true colors. They are also the enemy. What happens between Isreal and the palastinians was their own battle. If the US was involved, it would have ended a long time ago ! Anyway, here it is: AT LEAST 250 firemen - DEAD If any person of arabic descent ever needs a firefighter, don't believe that the majority of them will EVER risk their safety for your lives again AT LEAST 80 police - DEAD If any person of arabic descent ever needs a policman, don't believe that they would lift a finger to save a single arab life again. And on, and on, and on. Of all the lives lost yesterday, and all of the pieces of America that were affected, you have become worthless and expendable. You will not walk down the streets, jump for joy, or cry in pain, in OUR country, without being the object and focus of scorn and hate. This is not my will, but this is how it will be. I am a person that captures spiders, ants, wasps, etc. in my home and let them free outside instead of killing them (much to my wife's displeasure.) As of yesterday, I would not think twice about leaving an arab on the street to die. I hope that my feelings change, but they only will when our country and our people are restored to how they were before 8:40am on 9/11/01. And I am FAR from alone.
148 posted on 09/12/2001 6:04:06 AM PDT by progrockscott
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