Why do we need more illegals and legal immigration? Right now Americans are more than buried in them, our homes are scarce over over priced, our healthcare, schools, and courts are flooded by them. We've got lots of Americans out of work, even giving up on it because of them. We need a moratorium on all immigration until we can root out all of the illegals, get Americans jobs, free up our government sources, maybe payoff the debt, etc. WE DO NOT NEED MORE PEOPLE, WE NEED LESS.
So many ways we need less. Consider Nevada, which has water to support 57% of its population, they don't need more, whether Californian escapees or illegals.
Look at California, destroyed. New York, destroyed.
And you want more?!
Do I want more controlled, legal immigration?
You bet.
So should you if you don’t want to end up like Japan.