I didn't see a real answer in the windy article, but a simple five-word answer suffices...
Time to break up Big Media and Big Tech
Because WaPo “reporters” aren’t reporters, they’re socialist activists posing as journalists...
Why? Because inside every single “liberal” there’s a violent, hateful, totalitarian thug screaming to get out.
It would not surprise me at all to find out that the Biden administration hired a bot network to perform the DDOS on the Trump interview.
If they are willing to try and kill Trump why would they hesitate to pull a DDOS on Trump.
Because leftism only works when the truth is censored.
Leftism is exposed as a fraud when there is a free exchange of information and ideas.
Because they’re fascists.
Because there are no consequences.
Why not?
WAPO is the mouthpiece of the deep state. They don’t merely want Trump arrested, they want him dead
Monty Python – The Funniest Joke In the World
It must be banned, for our own safety.
The Washington Post is not a news outlet; they're simply a korporate arm of Jeff Bezos, and their employees are not "reporters" but agents.
Are there any Washington Post reporters who don’t work for the CIA?
It is because multinational corporations control American news media. The international conglomerates don’t give a flying f*** for the best interest of the American people.
The danger to Democracy is not free speech, like the Democrats claim. It’s censorship, which the Democrats support and enforce.
The Washington Post: It looks like a newspaper, but it's not." - Chris Plante
Washington Post reporter, Cleve Wootson, center, attempted to get the WH to step in and block Elon Musk’s conversation w/ Trump. He rold KJP in the WH press briefing room, “I think that misinformation on Twitter is not just a campaign issue...it’s an America issue...What role does the President have? Any sort of stopping that, or stopping the spread of that or intervening?”
Call Congress to get this man banned from the briefing room. Before anyone is admitted to the White House press room, they should be made to understand what the first amendment actually means.
Call Congress.
<>If you know your rep, use the website contact form,
<>Clerk of the House has addresses/phones of all House members and Committees,
<>or call (202) 224-3121, US House switchboard operator.
<>mention state and zip for quick connect.
It will never happen in our lifetimes. The societal rot will continue until this country finally collapses.
A better question would be how would the white house actually censor Trump?
Some day in the future, Trump will look great on Mt. Rushmore, while Obama and Biden will just be names on the wall of an outhouse!
being afraid of their lives being lost for putting out fake news would do it. Otherwise, money talks, and agenda pushing is big business.