Gov. Tim Walz on Illegals: ‘This Country Owes Them a Debt of Gratitude’
In the same light, we owe a lot to bank robbers, too.
What a sick, stupid commie. How could Minnesotans elect this guy? What is wrong up there?
“Why doesn’t anyone ever ask if they are needed so badly.”
In my lifetime, the population of the USA has doubled and led to calamity.
Crime has exploded, gangs have flourished, ghettoized, and murdered, cartel power seems undiminished, illegal drug use has sidelined our workforce (and killed hundreds of thousands), hiring of a stabile military (and LEOs) cadre has declined, respect for lawmen has plummeted, and the buying-up of farmlands by foreigners—both presumed enemies and allies—has burgeoned.
Problems with such population growth include the proliferation of poisonous Cyanobacteria in our fresh water supplies, lakes, and estuaries.
Japan has the right idea.