No peace deal?! Are you blind? What do you call this?
“Instead, Trump will politely, respectfully, and privately threaten Putin into a cease fire or even peace on terms that preserve Ukraine and protect its sovereignty but leave Putin and Russia with their sense of dignity intact. In spite of the Biden administration’s bellicose policies, they have not fully and properly put the screws to Russia. Trump will if he needs to.”
The beauty of it is Trump can do it on reputation. All he has to do with Putin is call him up and say Drill Baby, Drill. Every foreign leader knows exactly what they have with Trump and thank God he is back, EVEN Z! Every one one them knows he’s back in five months and they will act accordingly. It will be easy. BOTH Russia and Ukraine want peace. They made peace as soon this started. The corrupt DC warmongers who prevented peace will be gone.
Everyone wants peace. They want it on their terms though and are often willing to go to war to get those terms. In the Ukraine war, Putin’s goal is restoration of the power and influence of the Soviet Union. Recovering control of Ukraine is essential to that purpose.