BTW—Holy crap! Took a look at your home page here and it looks like you’d regulate the bejeesus out of everyone and every thing, including forcing the likes of allowing only small houses to be built, so housing would be more affordable?
And, what are you, in the pharma industry, with these dictates?
Federal PPACA exchanges would offer Interstate Class Drug Plans,
exempt from state control, that to be fully federally subsidy eligible must cover at least:
1. 80% of all recombinant drugs by key active entity
(or 100% less the percentages held by the top three domestic rights holders by percentage),
2. 80% of all FDA breakthrough drugs by key active entity
(or 100% less the percentages held by the top three domestic rights holders by percentage),
3. 80% of all drugs covered by a key active entity patent
(or 100% less the percentages held by the top three domestic rights holders by percentage),”
I believe in soft, fairly simple, but effective regulation.
Soft means regulatory safety valves such as 80%, unincorporated and unemployed.
I want a society that works. A Laffer theory might also apply to unskilled labor minimum wages.
Conservatives in Britain had 14 years to deliver affordable housing. Now the Labour Party monster has its tentacles on Britain. The Democratic Party is moving leftward. Hillary is eyeing the White House again.
Lots of regulations exist. My county has about a thousand pages of general law ordinances. In Florida, building regulation books would reach up to my waist.
On land zoned for 12 units/acre, say land originally zoned for garden apartments, the average housing unit size would limited to no more than 1250 (1100+1800/12) square feet.
On land zoned for 36 units/acre, say land zoned for an urban apartment building, the average housing unit size would limited to no more than 1150 (1100+1800/36) square feet.
On land zoned for 4 units/acre, say land zoned for tract single-family detached houses, the average housing unit size would limited to no more than 1550 (1100+1800/4) square feet.
On land zoned for 1 unit/2 acres, say land zoned for estate houses, the average housing unit size would limited to no more than 4700 (1100+1800*2) square feet.
I know many people will object to this, but Americans need millions of starter homes. When the need for starter homes is met, the law can be repealed and people can have additions built.
Note: Each of those square footages is larger than the finished square feet (1078) of my house.
Note: If you work with a real estate agent, your signature could be on a sales contract for a much bigger house within a few days, if you can afford to buy that much bigger house.