Gaslight away, Vatnik. All I see is an a-hole who hates freedom and loves Russian murderers and rapists. Birds of a feather, I guess.
20 percent for Biden is freedom?
Please tell me more!
Well, that’s because you spend way too much time looking in the mirror, Apparatchickie. How vain of you. Eww.
If you’d stop admiring yourself all the time and get out of your little box, you might start thinking more rationally.
>>>>Gaslight away, Vatnik. All I see is an a-hole who hates freedom and loves Russian murderers and rapists. Birds of a feather, I guess.<<<<
This is an American site. I’d venture to say that the vast majority of those who post here can’t speak Ukrainian or Russian.
When you’ve unlocked your lips from your god Zelensky’s piano playing appendage, please be so kind as to tell us what a Vatnik is. Also list the reasons why we hate freedom.