Mathew Dolloff, the killer of Trump supporter Keltner was not alone. He acted with the agitator ***Jeremiah Elliot – a leader of the Antifa- BLM in Denver.
Denver Post photographer, Helen Richardson, is always right next to Jeremiah Elliott capturing the action.
Jeremiah Elliott is one of the leaders of the Denver area Antifa- BLM insurgents. This is the guy that was starting all of the fights. ( like the 1930s Brown shirts ) . .. He was involved in multiple previous assaults and was arrested several times by the Denver PD.
And other videos show him conferring with the Channel 9 video photographers immediately before he assaulted and killed Keltner. The whole thing looks like a setup for a news team scoop. Well, they got one.
The Denver DA tacitly approved of this murder by refusing to have Dolloff arrested and charged. He must be removed from office. Dolloff and Elliot should be in prison. Every member of that news team should be fired, and Channel 9 should be sued into bankruptcy.