I cannot express more disdain for these two over-worshiped has-beens, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.
Of course, the partisan masquerading as a journalist George Stepponallofus would have them on; they are cut from the same cloth.
I’m sure they’ll pontificate on what a monster Trump is and how they’ll all be thrown in jail if he wins. I hope so!
You got it bud. Far leftitsts woodward and bernstein are simply sad memories at this juncture. A Lot more to all that than we ever knew as well.
I’ll remind that ABC News is still in turmoil...I’m anxious to see if George can weasel himself into a job or out of one. What a slime. Disgusting....fit for his NBC competition ...Morning Joe.
If Lewis Grizzard had lived there would have been no Bill Clinton. Because of Georgie the junkie greek.
Grizzard’s rename for Georgie- Clinton calling out repeatedly saying S this and S that.
“Staphylococcus”...like the bacterium. Small, annoying and infective in a very bad way