>>> That person that posted about the Lisinopril causing them to be intubated was pretty scary. Some of these side affects they don’t tell you about are worse than the cure
You’ve got that right!
I’m on fourth day w/o meds. Not boycotting but
Just haven’t filled up that little weekly dose tray with meds n supplements.
LJ I can’t find your health thread. 😱 Would you mind sharing it here?
Jack how are you doing now? Has swelling gone away? How many teeth did they have to remove
I go to the dentist tomorrow, couldn’t get me in today. Two, at least will have to come out. One is practically out now. I imagine to get them to look decent they’ll have to take four out and do implants across the front, but we’ll see.
Yes, swelling finally gone. I don’t think my voice will ever be normal again though, as I am pretty sure I coughed up a vocal cord tonight...a little piece bloody cord. I doubt they grow back.
Here ya go:
Natural Health Thread