Not a big deal once we're able to get to the magic number which is 2.1 children per woman.
That’s only replacement. Why is that the magic number?
Overpopulation (The Population Bomb) was brought to us by the same loony bunch that worships at the altar of climate change. They value life and God’s creation with such disdain that they want it all to stop.
The entire population of the earth could fit in single family homes within the confines of the state of Texas. Infrastructure could not handle it but that should give an idea how much open space there is on the planet.
I’ve flown all over the world with a great big window seat. I’ve seen the vastness of open space. No one looks outside anymore. They sleep, stare at their precious little screens, play video games, all with the window shade pulled.
The majority of the world’s population is stacked on top of itself. The higher the stack, the lower the regard for life and God’s work.
Don’t fall for this scam too.