Focus social security on delivering maximum dollars to retirees, not wasting money on other tangents or excessive administration.
Do not spend social security funds on non-social security endeavors, repay all non-social security spending.
“Focus social security on delivering maximum dollars to retirees, not wasting money on other tangents or excessive administration.”....Do not spend social security funds on non-social security endeavors, repay all non-social security spending.”
See my other post on this.
What you want is almost too late because (a) the treasury owes SS so much in IOUs and (b) is near to, or already having to ask the treasury to pay “cash” for those IOUs just to meet current befefit payouts, and from where will treasury get thsoe sums????. Some thing, or somethings are going to have to go throudh somepainful adjsutemnst for a generation or two, or three to square what is alredy owed to social security and what it is already requirded to pay out.
Will Americans want to pay the price increases that will some with deporting illegals and raising wages for Americans? There was much outcry about the fast food minimum wage increase in California.
They are more likely to try to save SS by mandating higher “investments.” They will require a percentage (25% to start) of private 401k and IRA accounts to be held in designated federal bonds as “protection from volatile market forces.”