The English brought in the slaves from Africa for agrarian purposes primarily to reduce the economic operating costs of their farms. The African slaves were forced to come here. They did not come voluntarily.
Today's immigrants, legal and illegal, are coming voluntarily. And they are coming from everywhere. Over 50% of immigrant headed households, legal and illegal, are on at least one major welfare program. We are importing poverty at a time when our national debt has ballooned to almost $35 trillion and we add $1 trillion every 100 days. Milton Friedman: “It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state.”
The country as we have known it during our life span will be vastly different for the grand/great children. Sad but change comes. They will adapt and be living in outer space within the next hundred years.
The country is being transformed now. You will live to see it. Since Biden was elected, we have allowed in 10 million illegal aliens, 4 million legal immigrants, and added 1.2 million legal citizens thru birthright citizenship. This 15.2 million added to our population, most of them poor and uneducated.
Add those numbers to the already huge numbers of illegal invaders in the country and you have a formula for disaster.