Roe v Wade was at its core about the “state” (not the federal government) having greater interest in the health and life of the unborn as the pregnancy progressed. It was about how during the first trimester the woman had the most interest in the unborn child and how as the pregnancy progressed the state had more and more interest in the unborn life of a future citizen.
The illusion that somehow the President can protect or restore abortion “priviledges” is absurd. It must be Congress that would pass federal abortion legislation and a Supreme Court that would uphold this as some right granted the federal government by the Constitution. Biden can't do anything by himself, so voting for him does absolutely nothing.
On the other hand at the state level, it requires a state legislature to pass pro-abortion laws and a state supreme court to indicate that such laws are consistent with the State Constitution. Voting for Biden does absolutely nothing to “give women” control over pregnancy termination.
In short this is not a Presidential election issue. It is propaganda over a wedge issue.
He can pack the SCOTUS to "restore Roe".