I’ve been around for a while and one thing I’ve noticed is that liberal parties tend to allow themselves to be defeated in order to allow conservative parties to wear the blame of what liberal parties did.
Maybe that is what is happening here. Democrats know that 2024 -2028 will be potentially cataclysmic and they don’t want to be responsible for fixing the mess they created.
I know that is the way it is in Canada. Liberals spend and conservatives wear the blame when they have to fix the overspending.
Our economy is teetering on the precipice. The current and past administrations have increased our debt to the point that we will be crushed under its weight.
As long as the Deep State owns both parties, it doesn't care which party is "in control." I fact, it's good to change the "dominant party" now and again, to create the illusion of democracy. Let the people think their votes matter.
I’ve also been following political issues for almost 60 years.
I see the same pattern. Republicans routinely inherit the problems created by previous Democrat administrations and the blame.
Kind of the opposite.
What the Democrats have engineered to hit us in 2024-2028 is something they have been working on for 70 years
The Democrat strategy is and has been to overwhelm and collapse the US system from within so they can rebuild it in their utopian progressive image
They are desperate to be in power when this happens because it will shape the future of country.
Same here. Democrats are spenders and republicans are misers. We are 34 trillion in debt and the end is near.
“I’ve been around for a while and one thing I’ve noticed is that liberal parties tend to allow themselves to be defeated in order to allow conservative parties to wear the blame of what liberal parties did.”
Liberals act like this when they know the results are already phoned in. Unless you are someone like Hillary, who was hated by more people than hate Trump, you can pretty much do whatever you want because you already know the results. Obama in 2012 is a great example as was Biden in 2020. They did squat in campaigning. Why?