The way I read the article (granted it was just a quick skim), I think he was basically saying 'President Trump is such a high energy 'get things done' kind of guy, that being restricted to the extent that one would be when incarcerated' would drive him nuts. Basically 'terrify him'. Not due to physical fear, but due to not being able to do anything (make deals, plans, etc).
I could see that. Nonetheless President Trump seems the kind of guy who will do anything for his Country and for saving the US Constitution. Prayers that this political persecution stops - and this evil turns on the heads of his (and this Nation's) enemies.
He’s right that Trump has an internal need to always be doing something. However, I think Trump is highly adaptable to his environment and would just find things to do. Like reading books and whatever.
Barring a hired gun in the prison system, I think he’d be ok.
I haven’t heard anyone say how long a term would be for contempt. Is it two days? Two weeks? A month?
I think if it were two or three days he’d go for it. Longer could be tricky.