“No, Mike is handing the Dems anything they want.”
No MJ is dealing with a GOP with three problems - (1) division/internal disagreement on some things, (2) a tiny House majority and even when those two things are not the worst things, (3) a Senate run by Schumer that would/will have to agree to pass anything that passes the House.
Under those three conditions the MTG’s cannot get everything they want, no matter who is the GOP speaker.
I saw one GOP House rep on Newsmx this morning. He agreed the Dims had a few poison pills in the foreign military aid bill, things he opposed while he does essentially support aid to Ukraine generally. He said he voted “present” on the bill, knowing a majority was going to pass it but he wanted to avoid voting “yay”. He said he did not see any way for MJ to deliver everything the MTG’s want, and get anytyhing passed. He said under the conditions the MTG’s want any GOP speaker might as well take the House out of session because the House won’t be getting anything passed. MTG might be happy with that, but the voters will kill the GOP over it in November.
He could have just done nothing. Ukraine and FISA weren’t necessary.
Fight them even if if goes nowhere in the Senate. Border bill, stand alone Israel and Bill. Let the Dems vote it down or Biden veto.
Put THEM in the voters cross hairs. The public is sick of the invasion and the campus nonsense.
Make the Dems defend themselves in November.
Instead he caves and the base gets pissed.