Those folks who think they have nothing to live for have been bred and brainwashed by our “education” system and the lying ....everyone....
In “The Last Crusade: Spain 1936” (by Warren H. Carroll) he describes the leftist dupes as people with nothing to live for and nothing to die for; the idealism of the radical who believed they’d create a classless workers’ paradise was crushed early in the war when the communists murdered the leaders of their anarchist “allies” and conscripted the foot soldiers into communist-led units. Spain’s gold reserve was shipped off to “Uncle Joe” Stalin to pay for the weapons supplied to the radical republic, and the government was controlled afterwards by a communist minority as the primary source of Stalin’s aid. The rank-and-file leftist population was forced to remain in the fight at the point of the commissars’ gun barrels, and there remained little willpower left to resist the apolitical military’s advances. The hotbed of radical leftism, Barcelona, fell without a whimper shortly before Madrid did, ending the war.