Must be that upstate NY air I soaked up for the 21 years before I headed for the LEFT coast and the years you’ve remained there...Oh! to be 21 again! LOL
I think we can rely on Iran to lie to the well as every politician here or there...
Reagan said, “trust but verify”, right? Why do we never hear about the NRC anymore? It is still part of our government, is it not?
Who was that guy who was practically thrown out of Iran who went there to inspect facilities - or the downsizing of weapons or materiel? Been a long time - can’t recall exact details. See why I would like to be 21 again?
As far back as 2005, almost 20 years ago, Mohamed Elbaradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was complaining about Iran blocking inspectors in the country. Fast forward to today, and they're still doing it. In other instances, they've cancelled the accreditation of inspectors. And despite all that, Obama and Biden have given the Iran regime, billions of dollars that wasn't even legally theirs. They weren't in power when the Shah of Iran paid that money to the U.S. for military equipment. The militants who overthrew the Shah and took over the country have no legal right to that money, as far as I'm concerned. It wasn't theirs to begin with.