This never gets old.
The man is a confirmed liar. He is incapable of telling the truth.
It would be amusing to listen to the drunk at the corner bar
rattle off preposterous claims, but quite another when it is the Resident of the USA.
There is no truth in any of these men and women. They are all creatures of greed, lies and faithlessness.
Oh, and that is IN MY HUMBLE OPINION>
To persist in American politics at the federal level you have to be able to deal with all types of snakes, and thus most of them are snakes themselves. If you are an honest person you make the rest of them nervous - and they will do everything they can to take you down.
Strict term limits, for elected and the non-elected - including a ten year limit on working in ANY government agency is necessary to save our nation. I would be OK with federal agency employees (e.g. Social Security admin, FBI, CIA, State Dept., etc.) getting a limited pension after 10 years - just as long as they have nothing further to do with government.