Read Lynne Olson's "Those Angry Days", and get back to me. While you're at it, her "Troublesome Young Men" will detail the history of the British appeasement movement over the same period leading up to 1939. She has other titles that should appeal to you after you've digested those two.
Parallels to the 1930s have been so overused in post war arguments that they should usually be avoided, but the parallels today seem unusually clear. It seems history this time will not merely rhyme but might actually be repeating.
I’m afraid that our current dithering has already convinced potential allies in east Asia of our unreliability. Unfortunately for us, the US in the 21st century isn’t the worlds foundry. It might be China’s factories that can turn out 10 times the anticipated quantity of war material, and we might find ourselves without front line allies in our 2030s conflicts.