“If that doesn’t tell you who is the good one...”
Yet somehow he’s the crook. Not Obama, not the Clintons, not Biden, all of whom amassed great wealth after what is called ‘public service’.
This fight is not over.. Let me tell you something.. I one of the reasons I trust the Lord even when it looks bad for a time..
I have 4 sons. One was the son who had qualities and a drive to achieve. He believed if he worked hard, he could have his dream.. Which was in music. One night they.. His band.. heard a music producer on their ham radio and he invited them to NY. They thought they had hit pay dirt. I thought it could be a red herring to get him off where he should be.
The ptoducer had the power to stop his career, and did.
4 years later, refusing to be owned by the producer, he left NY..
To jump ahead, my son was having serious health issues. The anger he had from the career lost, was harmful. God did not give him what he had worked so hard for.
I went to prayer and turned it over to God. Within a month he was in the hospital diagnosed with leukemia. God could heal him. But God did not.
One night, God visited my son. Took him to heaven. Where he saw hid dad.. My mother. And many more. He talked to them.. And he came back a changed man. Nothing compared to what he saw.
This mom went thru the one nightmare I did not want to ever happen. I and his wife, stood beside him singing hymns he used to play on the piano and we prayed.. He knew where he was going and no fear.
God is good.. He cares.. And I am trusting God today to not let the ones controlled by satan have this country.