I want to keep track of this one...
Either he was...
Running alcohol...or
Running tobacco....or
Running guns...
If he was doing none of the above, then what the hell was the atf(purposely not capitalized) doing there in the first place?
May I guess, “Running Cocaine?”
I can’t trust any of the funny business, carried on in Arkansas, at Airports.
The CIA, Clintons, Barry Seale, and Oliver North have proven that “Law’” is not alive in Arkansas.
Graft and murder are still on the march. Beware, Murder is the most common!
He was running guns. Warrant is now out. Rough story is he bought ~100 guns on GunBroker, sold them, they started showing up in crimes, serials traced back to him. ATF investigated, got a warrant, irresponsibly served it, killed the guy.