Without getting into too much detail, think processing and distribution. And areas dependent on irrigation infrastructure have point vulnerabilities as well.
That’s what Hamas hit in the Negev. They generally didn’t bother killing the livestock, just the sources of feed and water that sustained them.
Granted, the Negev is more dependent on irrigation than any ag. area in the US, including the Imperial Valley in California, but if you wanted to create bedlam in the US cities, turning out the lights and disrupting food distribution would be a darn good way to go about it.
Not to be black pilled about it, I think that even the big cities in Texas would acquit themselves honorably, but things would certainly be sporty for a while.
Food production is super scale issue.
The days of local food production, is highly dependent upon large transportation.
My ancestors were farmers as far back as we can trace them.
They traveled by wagons pulled by teams of mules over distances that today would be unbelievable.
Long story. We still own farms. Have been in this country since 1889.