No mention of the fact that ever more “graduates” are literally illiterate and unable to perform basic math skills. Not to mention a lack of understanding about history, civics, etc.
“No mention of the fact that ever more “graduates” are literally illiterate and unable to perform basic math skills. Not to mention a lack of understanding about history, civics, etc.”
In my youth, almost every word I read was in a professionally edited document.
“literally illiterate”
Now that’s a smooth alliteration.
I was helping in college.
It was science class with no math! (How can that be!)
When we came to some simple addition, one young lady complained, that there shall be no math!
I said - this is just simple calculation, no math!
The I asked her -
I had five apples. I gave you two. How many apples I have now?
She thought for a while and then said - “I do not know!”
That is the product of today’s high schools!