At least Britney was good looking. T.S. is just odd.
Yeah—board chest and ruby red sucking lips appeals to... whom? One wonders. The real voice is appalling as are the songs. But no matter- just a magazine cover. Moms take their daughters to these shows— what a role model.
Spears is an attention whore who has some of the craziest “psycho girl” eyes I’ve ever seen, and her actions over the years puts her definitively in the Danger Zone of the Hot Crazy Matrix.
Spears has managed to go light years beyond “odd”. She’s effing nuts!
TS is still pretty clueless when it comes to the opposite sex, and I have my suspicions, but in the end, she didn’t come right out and endorse lefties again, which may mean she’s actually developed a bit of wisdom, finally.
Thing is, she’s got plenty of F U money now and could simply state her preferences and not care about the ramifications.