But this actually worked out well for the big plan.
Now the Supremes can say they are "neutral" and stood up for Trump, blah blah blah. But the real political assassination of Trump is coming. This opens up the door to try him where they really want to try him. In the Washington DC star chamber. He stands no chance.
Trump is not going to win in a DC court. Doesn't mean it's right. Doesn't mean it is just. The Colorado people outside of "the swamp" moved up the timeline. But the swamp used Colorado to give the Supreme Court some political cover.
The people running the country want Trump no where near the presidency. And they are going to nail his ass to the cross, so to speak. Show some respect to the enemy. They know what they are doing, and no one is going to stop them.
What would happen if half the states removed Trump and half removed Biden?
Could we claim that the presidential election was legitimate? Heck no!
And what happens if war is declared somewhere and illegitimate Biden demands that young men enlist? Will he have the authority? I think not.
But maybe this all part of the plan... to divide and conquer the United States.