Maybe I can at least try to bring a smile?
and an apointment on 3/14 to find out what is up and what will be done about it.
Pi Day is the day designed to reverse into something good!
Coincidence? I think not.
And wouldn't you know, 1961 itself is an upside-down year!
Remember what famous event happened on Purim that year, on March 2?
That's the day the aliens made contact. The intergalactic refugees.
It's always something!
Purim is the quintessential holiday to celebrate a "flipped over story" eucatastrophe, so it flips right in.
Hang in there!
( chuckle /-)
waiting in waiting room to be wheeled into the petscanner /-)) now
im such a geek sometimes.
Good Job Zek....
The first post of Yours I could
Actually keep up With!
God Bless!