Usually restaurants - fearing DOJ - bend over backwards for black customers. Then, right as the bill is about to come, blacks complain about the food, the service, etc. Then leave in a huff as they give a ZERO tip to the waiter or waitress.
If they give a tip at all, it’s $2 per person max. How it works.
And yet... they wonder why they don’t have servers jumping through hoops to serve them when they walk in the door.
Just part of the reparations game.
oh my, daughter was present when he was briefed for testimony by the lawyers - BAD
Tip pooling means all or some of the tips collected are combined
and redistributed fairly among all employees at the end of a shift.
A tip pooling policy makes sure every restaurant group of employees
including back of house staff such as cooks and dishwashers—benefit
from tip pooling arrangements.Dec 25, 2023