Unless we hand the country over to the Taliban, the right for women to vote will not be going anywhere.
If we want to win, we have to appeal to all the female voters, unfortunately.
“Unless we hand the country over to the Taliban...”
Couldn’t we just contract them out for the dirty work?
“Unless we hand the country over to the Taliban, the right for women to vote will not be going anywhere.”
Considering the direction white liberal women are taking, they may soon find themselves in burkas and barred from educational opportunities or voting all. Many western countries are in essence handing over their countries to the equivalent of the Taliban.
For example, take a look at the pictures of women in Iraq or Iran from the 70s and compare them to the pictures of women in those countries of today. That change happened in just fifty years.
Britain and France are bringing in their conquerors and their culture is being rapidly replaced with those of Muslims. Women are being accosted on the street and told their clothing is too revealing and they shouldn’t be out in public. The U.S. is only a couple decades behind.