Some have that way. That personality that draws people. That draw makes others dislike I’m.her. And for those who have not figured it out.. Think it thru.
Trump is a big guy. On top of that, he has an outgoing way. And on top of that, he cares.
You know people who don’t care.... You are drawn to the caring person.
Trump has that “thing”.. And it bugs the left clear out of their comfort zone. They don’t like it that he has the stuff.. They don’t get a fuzzy feeling.. He can’t be that good.. With money and position, they figure take him out..
End of trip for now
Winning hearts and minds...Like never before!
There are still FAR too many RINOs in office and in positions of power within the Republican party. The RINO hunt must continue until every last one of them has been purged.
——Lakshya ——
Gay era AA AA
They merely lie in wait to once again sabotage their nemesis.
3D chess
How did he make Christie gain the weight?
Are the dim/FBI grooming a Hinckley..just in case?
Mitch McConnell isn’t defering. He is a liar. He needs to be replaced.
fine with me
It needed devouring