How these Oct.7th deniers explain the sudden lowering of the population of Israel?
Saying the deaths of the Israelis including babies and children did not happen is even worse than saying “they had it coming to them for the rights suppression and attempt at genocide of the Muslim people.”
After the Holocaust one attempt at denying it happened was for the deniers to cite the World Almanac and Book of Facts totals of pre and post WWII Jews. As one rabbi said: “What Jewish person in their right mind would declare to any census taker or government agent in Nazi days that they were Jewish when it could mean arrest or death?”
RE: “the rights suppression and attempt at genocide of the Muslim people.”
I’d like him to explain this:
1967: around 356,000 inhabitants in Gaza
2022: around 2,100,000 inhabitants in Gaza
So in the 55 years between 1967 and 2022, the Gaza Strip has added over 1.7 million new inhabitants and experienced dramatic population growth. That’s almost a SIX FOLD increase in Gaza’s population.
Where’s the Genocide?
Did any NYU student ask him this question?