Accept that Trump won the nomination? Sure. Only an idiot or a crazy person denies objective reality.
Does that mean we are all going to obediently march to the polls in November to vote for Trump? No, especially after being told explicitly that our votes are not needed nor even wanted. Some will vote for Trump, some may vote 3rd party, and some will just not vote at all, or at least will not vote in the presidential race. Many Trump supporters seem to think that supporters of other candidates are obligated to vote for Trump when he wins the nomination. They don’t seem to realize you have to earn their support, you can’t browbeat or insult your way to getting their votes.
Perhaps you are right that you don’t need the votes of Desantis and Haley supporters - but if in November Trump finds himself just short of the finish line again, take a good look within your own camp for the culprits…
Those of you who will sulk and not vote for Trump out of spite are few in number and many were not Trump supporters in 2016 and 2020, despite their claims to the contrary. Those of your ilk were never baked into the equation. Trump won without you in 2016 and 2020. He will do the same in 2024.