And dc metro police. And Capitol police. Scum
Beria is laughing in his grave.
“The indictment alleges that Mr. James obstructed Capitol Police ..”
Yea, they obstructed the Capitol Police while the police were illegally killing Rosanne Boyland.
(dying protester Rosanne Boylan)
What happened to this woman?
Any civil disorderly charges should have been dealt with in 2021 over two years ago going on three.
It is now official. The Department of Justice is being used as a Terrorist Organization.
The Epoch Times is doing some outstanding work.
How DARE you interfere with our fine and noble police officers while they are killing members of the opposition party!!
“No matter how much you despise the DOJ, I assure you it is not enough.”
True, but our side also has to understand that the others, DeSantis and especially Nimroda DESPISE us just as much as DOJ does.
Who is the Capitol Police guy who pushed the protester off the ledge? Shouldn’t the cop be charged with attempted murder? Could have killed the guy, but the guy only broke his ankle, fortunately. Has anyone asked the cop why he reacted so violently and attacked the protester? The ledge seemed to be 10 or 15 feet off the ground!
Everybody knows it is illegal to try to protect a human being’s life when a government goon is trying to take it.
This is a golden opportunity to post the video of her being beaten relentlessly while paramedics attempted to revive her. Let’s make sure everybody in America has this “seared into their collective memory.”
Also, what, may we ask, is this “deadly weapon” supposedly brandished while CPR was being administered? Kinda hard to do that.