This would appear to be a good decision, give that the vast majority of the academic majors of not academic, and have nothing to do with civilization or any practice done within a civilized society.
“ This would appear to be a good decision, give that the vast majority of the academic majors of not academic, and have nothing to do with civilization or any practice done within a civilized society.”
M hmm.
What will happen to our civilization?
Also most 'grievance studies' bullsh*t majors include sections on hating smart people, hating white men, and hating people of merit of all colors... Vile Marxist crap..
In a few short years their 'degrees' won't be worth crap. Well, unless some company WANTS to hire a person who's a plagiarist and because they're female or BECAUSE they're black or brown. Good luck with that companies - if you want to compete and win you hire the best and brightest - NOT the angry and cheaters.
It IS a good decision, you’re right.