I’ve never heard of a judge constantly giving his own extremely biased opinion against a defendant DURING a trial. Of course, this isn’t a trial, it’s a circus and the “judge” is the head clown. If they actually convict Trump of this absurd and imaginary “crime”, and if (big if) there’s even the tiniest shred of integrity at the appellate level in New York, such a decision should be reversed in a nanosecond due to this “judge”’s outrageous antics.
But I know that these leftist vermin don’t care in the least if what they are doing is legal, or even if it is eventually overturned. All they care about is using a show trial to fling mud at Trump in an election year. Whether their accusations are true is unimportant to them. I don’t know what more it is going to take to finally rouse the “silent majority” from their paralysis and get them to finally admit that we are at the point of no return here if we don’t immediately take every possible action to defeat and destroy these tyrants. We have literal show trials and political prisoners in this country now, and yet most “conservatives” sit idly by and watch it all burn down because they don’t want to be seen as doing anything “radical.” Do they seriously think it will all somehow get better on its own? 1776 was a picnic compared to what it will take to get our country back now, but the sooner people turn off their TVs and admit the dire situation we’re in, the sooner the necessary kinetic action can take place. Talking and “voting” ain’t gonna do it.
These evil monsters are openly lawless and defiant now, and have rigged every system to prevent that approach from dislodging them. Even if Trump miraculously survives the Category 5 hurricane of vote fraud that we all know is coming and wins, it is now crystal clear that the tyrannical Left will not abide by any legal or Constitutional actions that he attempts to take. The Left is at war with us now, and the sooner we acknowledge that and respond accordingly, the sooner we can begin to take out the trash.
Who, in heaven’s name, ever heard of a judge, sitting on the bench, no less, expressing his opinion......
actually disdaining the defendant, and coming down on the side of the AG’s attorney...in.an.open.court?
I have not followed this case, super closely, however, it is clear that judge is a partisan hack, and interjecting his personal opinions into the case.