Posted on 11/29/2023 7:08:59 AM PST by Red Badger
Ban Whitmer instead.
This explains her present-day brain damage.
Whitmer and her co-conspirators know what they're doing. Their destructive acts are deliberately evil.
Why 2024? She’ll be an old lady on Social Security at that time. Why doesn’t the ho ban fossil fuels tomorrow?
sever Michigan from the rest of the US power grid! and lets see how successful they are!
A WHOLE STATE (including the U.P.) has to suffer because one moron gets elected and is under the sway of some seriously shadowy forces. I doubt she read the whole thing, let alone having penned a single word of it. She will rubber stamp it and make a photo-op out of it along with the cohorts and handlers who are the front of the deeper conspiracy against the people of MI.
WHITMER makes Detroit auto industry look like the Packard building.
That One Hundred megawatts (and I don't believe them), not One Thousand. That's approximately one tenth the power output of a normal thermal power station ... and the thermal power station can generate that One Thousand Megawatts 24/7/365 regardless of the weather.
Whitmer and her accomplices in the legislature are evil.
Think of the juxtaposition of political ideas versus reality in Michigan.
The Governor signs a bill to eliminate fossil fuel in Michigan by 2040, which is 16 years away, this in a state which is the home of the Auto Industry that is losing billions trying to sell EVs., in fact the Big 3 are shutting down their EV production to sell ICE cars which can be sold for a profit, while the big 3 are now faced with a huge new UAW contract.
Gosh, shouldn’t we wait for technology to give us an alternative before abandoning the energy we need to live?
Why would GM and Ford stay in Michigan?
Wonder if she knows her clothes are made from petroleum products?
“…bypass resistance at the local level.”
These people are COMPLETE MORONS, everything we touch has petroleum involved in one way or another this DESTRUCTION of America is deliberate and our most dangerous enemies are from within!!!
Good luck with that! 😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂
“You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.” - Ayn Rand.............
The Michigan state legislature and the governor have givin aid and comfort to the domestic and foreign enemies of the United States. Michigan is now a terrorist Demonicrat kakistocracy.
“Fix the damn(ed) brain!”
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