Could you please explain how the revision stemming from that EO includes civilians?
As I read it, military commanders were instructed to consider federal guidelines for sentencing; i.e., when issuing sentences and punishment in the outcome of a Courts-Martial, fairness and equivalency to civilian punishment should be applied.
In no way did the revision to the UCMJ include civilians. Military commanders don't have that kind of jurisdiction.
You are correct.
If crimes are committed on military installations by civilians, the UCMJ is in force.
The word ‘civilian’ does not appear in the EO, however the lawyereeze within does.
Prior to 1/20/17, DJT told us he’d drain the Swamp. He didn’t say how, but that was his main purpose from day 1, and it is ongoing. His 4 years was driven by this purpose, including this EO. Not even civilian swamp creatures can escape.
Oooops, I stand corrected:
The full EO 13825 is 465 pages (the EO itself only about 2).
The word ‘civilian’ appears 105 times in the full document. However, I don’t think that covers fully the issue we are discussing... as lawyer-eeze prevails. I maintain that the USMC was amended for trying the crimes of the Deep State, which permeates the federal govt.