1. I don’t think that threatening violence comports with the civility rules on is site.
2. Here’s an article from January 17, 2021, about 125 protestors being arrested: “More than 125 people have been arrested so far on charges related to the violent insurrection ***.” https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-capitol-siege-alaska-media-riots-709fca95f4e3dce9e40c440d96dcd006
You can't even make a link, why do you want me or anyone else to take you seriously? Do you think posting the same busted link over and over makes you look smart? Do you think your ignorance about the discussion that only 14 people were arrested on J6 makes you looks smart?
This isn't the goddamn 6am Arby's bored hungover retiree coffee klatsch. This is a website dedicated to a core mission statement of advancing Constitutionalism, and your inability to post a link or even construct a bad opinion ain't it, champ. Why are you here, other than for my amusement? This is the actual J6 arrest list straight from the USCP website: